This year as well, fabbricadigitale has reached the standards required by BSI for ISO/IEC certifications.

ISO certifications 27001, 22301, 9001 are European standards of excellence, useful for companies in order to guarantee a successful business and the best practices integration on all levels. We keep renewing and follow them every year.

The implementation of these certifications allows us to:

  • guarantee a better management of quality and a high efficiency of processes for satisfying our customers’ needs and saving time, money, and resources (ISO 9001 – Quality Management);
  • ensure the reach of requirements needed so that a management system protects and reduces incidents probability and guarantees the activities retake in case of failure (ISO 22301 – Business Continuity Management);
  • implement a solid system for the information security management and build a resilient organization (ISO 27001 – Information Security Management).

The complex work done by our team composed of Governance and Data Curation e Information Security Managers in collaboration with other specialists of fabbricadigitale brought us to a positive result and to reach official goals and standards.