Even this year, the Integrated Management System of fabbricadigitale, with a more than ten-years’ experience, is compliant to the requisites of ISO 27001:2013, ISO 22301:2012 e ISO 9001:2015, the certified standards for the management systems of Information Security, Business Continuity and Quality.
Despite of the current situation, thanks to our solid audio/video infrastructure, we could perform interviews and tests directed by the auditor throughout the dedicated 5 days without any problem.
The efficiency of our Integrated Management System has been highlighted by the current health emergency management.
During the years, it happened that we enabled Business Continuity plans to manage the impossibility to reach on or more of our offices due to earthquakes, snowstorm, …, and the home working had success.
In this case, starting from February 24th, after only 48 hours from the first certified Coronavirus case, 98% of employees was operative by home, informative communications have been sent periodically to all stakeholders through dedicated channels such as SMS, Social Networks, website, following the guide of the Crisis Unit.