We have always been committed to reducing our environmental impact by integrating sustainability into our business practices and promoting ecological activities that focus on the common good and respect for the environment. We have found in The Ocean Race a partner with whom to share an important and essential goal: respect for the ecosystem 

The Ocean Race is a complex sporting event combined with an ambitious and comprehensive scientific program, the first of its kind.  

The competing boats are equipped with specific instruments to measure variables along a 60,000-kilometer route. The data learned will serve the scientific community in hopes of deepening our understanding of the status of the oceans. By doing so, they will have the opportunity to gather important data on the consequences due to climate change and plastic pollution. 

The Ocean Race Genoa – The Grand Finale  

From June 24 to July 2, Genoa will host the final leg of  The Ocean Race Genoa. A big party ready to welcome and involve everyone with a rich program between sailing races, appointments at the Ocean Live Park and the chance to discover the city with enormous historical and artistic heritage.