fabbricadigitale, to help schools, companies and Public Administrations to face Covid-19 emergency effects, offers its services at special prices to enable projects dedicated to remote teaching, work from home, and live communications.
Schools can ask a dedicated virtual space and allow teachers and professors to organize daily video-classes for all their students, by using home or smartphone connectivity thanks to digital tools that require low bandwidth but guarantee great performances.
Companies and Public Administrations, to keep going operate and ensure their services to clients and users, can enable all services for work from home, and ask for a dedicated channel for live stream and on-demand communications video.
Enable and use these two opportunities – Work from Home and Live Video – is pretty simple for Italian companies. They need just to surf the webpage https://www.fabbricadigitale.com/emergenza-covid19/, select the organization typology, choose the option and fill the form.
Even citizens can take advantage of an initiative we launched with Sentric a few weeks ago. We are talking about a website that collects local stores that guarantee home delivery and gives info on how to contact them. The website for all Italians cities and towns is www.consegnelocali.it.