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The innovative Venice Smart Control Room based on MindIcity, our Urban Intelligence platform, has been inaugurated
Last September 12th, in Venice, in front of the new re-elected mayor Luigi Brugnaro, the Smart Control Room was inaugurated, an innovative project that allows a complete and efficient monitoring of the entire lagoon city.
The Smart Control Room, with its brand-new physical operative center, uses a technological platform able to collect data coming from all the city systems and, through the latest technologies, to make them available for administrators and operators who can elaborate predictive analysis and simulations.
The Smart Control Room in Venice, the first Smart City project of this magnitude in Europe, has been realized in partnership with TIM and it is based on MindIcity, our platform of Urban Intelligence that is characterized by Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing.
MindIcity allows the collection and management of all data and flows coming from different subsystems and sensors placed on the territory by using frontier technologies to apply scientific model for the phenomenon interpretation, predictions, and simulations useful to coordinate cities.
In detail, the Smart Control Room of Venice includes also operators specialized in the different involved structures, such as ACTV/AVM, Centro Maree, Municipality, Local Police, Civil Protection, Venis and Vetitas to guarantee a specialistic, professional, and local reading of data.
Data come not just from operative structures and sensors, but also from TIM phone network and smart cameras installed all over the city, and they are collected and elaborated by the platform able to get back information in real-time and form the past in order to prevent dangerous situations, organize alterative scenarios, verify needs and adopt safety strategies quickly.
Information are clearly represented on video-walls in the Smart Control Room and on the personal devices of Mayor and administrators. Through observation and forecasting index and special views, it is possible to control and monitoring the city safety and mobility.
This huge project has been possible thanks to the grounded partnership we have with TIM, in addition to partners influent in the scientific environment such as the Department of Physics of University of Bologna and specialized companies, like Engine.