Campus Università Cattolica Cremona

In a complex, interconnected, and rapidly changing world, where we do not fully know the variables involved, the conscious and multifaceted approach can be a winning weapon in managing the challenges of the future.

This is one of the main reasons why fabbricadigitale has joined the Steering Committee of the new Master’s Degree in “Innovation and digital entrepreneurship” as a partner of the brand new Campus in Cremona of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

The new Master’s Degree in “Innovation and digital entrepreneurship”, online on the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore website, was introduced via web conference last March 25th. It is a unique innovative path in Italy, designed to train new figures of innovators who come from not specifically technical-scientific background.

As a digital factory, together with other realities in Cremona area that are part of the Committee, we will act on a professional and contextual training level and propose ourselves as a university/work glue.

Our knowledge of territory needs and the corporate ecosystem will be made available to students who enroll in the Master’s Degree “Innovation and digital entrepreneurship”, which will start in September 2021.