Trivo Tech: fabbricadigitale’s open source platform for IoTFD2017-08-31T10:27:59+02:0020 October 2016|
Not only Pokémon: discover the city with the Treasures Hunt!!FD2017-08-31T10:27:59+02:0025 July 2016|
fabbricadigitale took part in the approval of the document about Industry 4.0FD2017-08-31T10:28:00+02:0011 July 2016|
A new product is now available in the MultiUx family, say hello to the S4B Broadcaster!FD2017-08-31T10:28:01+02:0030 May 2016|
Unexpected success for the first edition of Caccia ai TesoriFD2017-08-31T10:28:01+02:0014 April 2016|